

This is Enugwu-Ukwu village, Anambra State, Nigeria . This is kind of typical village you will see in South Eastern part of Nigeria. Before you want to compare your zone with south eastern zone, let first see how your village looks like. Enugwu ukwu is not among the top 10 most beautiful village in South East. Apart from some villages in South East, Enugwu ukwu is the most beautiful village in Nigeria. Those from other zone of the country, before you want to compare your cities with south Eastern zone cities,do show us your villages before you can compare your zone with south Eastern zone.

Enugwu-Ukwu is in Njikoka LGA of Anambra State.
Enugwu-Ukwu has historical heritages and tourist sites that define Nigeria as a tourist destination.

It is said that Nri was the father of Enugwu Ukwu, Nawfia, Enugwu-Agidi, and Agukwu/Akamkpisi(Nri) of which Enugwu-Ukwu is the eldest of the sons of Nri that made of Umunri communities in Anambra State.

In Igbo Culture, when someone commits an abomination, not everyone has the authority to do cleansing. But anyone from Enugwu-Ukwu, other Umunri clan, and a few other communities are qualified to do cleansing.

ENUGWU-UKWU is a known Igbo Cultural community that promotes Igbo culture to the point of attracting tourists during their various Cultural festivals.

Leave your zone, and visit other parts of the country,then you will understand that south Eastern zone is pride of Nigeria,in terms of development,

Ndigbo Worldwide

Ndigbo worldwide is an online community established to connect and unite Southeastern Nigerians (ndigbo) and the lovers of ndigbo all over the world. It aims to educate the current and future generations about the culture of ndigbo, bringing themcloser home no matter where in the world they live with news and events happening in the region, while at the same time providing a platform for social networks and e-commerce. Its registered users can live-chat, network and create connections among themselves, as well as respond to posts, or issues by leaving comments and offering insights on matters of interest to them. To further our mission, our platform helps users find and connect with individuals, teams, organizations, and other entities. There are numerous ways to express yourself and communicate with friends and family, such as consistently sharing status updates, photos, videos, and stories about the things that matter to you across the platform

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